Make Winning Presentations

Slides: Make Winning Presentations

Your team has the skills and techniques they need to make the best decision. Fast. Smart. Efficient. Your presentation covers all of the details. You’ve made your key points clear and you’ve reiterated them at the end of your presentation. But, you still run into resistance. And often, it’s from the same people or teams. By using The Six Thinking Hats, you can ensure your presentation is seen in the best light by each of those stakeholders. The Six Thinking Hats, or modes, was developed by Dr. Edward De Bono. De Bono was a physician, psychologist, author and inventor who originated the term lateral thinking. By applying The Six Thinking Hats (or modes) to any meeting, you can:

  • Hold critical meetings without emotions or egos making bad decisions
  • Avoid the easy but mediocre decisions by knowing how to dig deeper
  • Increase productivity and even more important — be more effective
  • Make creative solutions the norm
  • Maximize and organize each person’s thoughts and ideas
  • Get to the right solution quickly and with a shared vision

De Bono and this theories are not without controversy. Particularly regarding evidentiary research showing generalized improvements. But, I’ve found The Six Thinking Hats to be an effective tool for helping to prepare for important meetings or presentations. This presentation will cover the basics of The Six Thinking Hats and provide references to more comprehensive materials.


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